Friday, September 26, 2008

Mommy's Little Helper

When it is Tyson's laundry day, he likes to push his laundry basket to the laundry room. After I put it in the washer he crawls in his laundry basket, grabs onto the sides and gets to go on a ride back to his room. I just hope in a few years and when his a teenager that he will still want to help. I won't hold my breath!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Life of a 1 year old

I was thinking today...and yes, it hurt, Tyson is so funny when he learns something new, discovers, tastes something new, etc... Well, about a month ago he boycotted his crib and started sleeping his the single bed in his room. Yesterday, Josh and I took down the crib and put it away. My little baby is still little, but not a baby. He feeds himself, walks, points to whatever he wants, knows how to get me to give him what he wants, he's just growing up.

Friday, Josh introduced Ty to Oreo Cakesters. Josh gave it to Ty in my car driving home from the store. What a MESS! Josh has created a monster. Josh bought more to show me how Ty could devour them. (See picture)

Then we went to the car races. It was just street legal cars so it wasn't too loud for his ears. He clapped and like to watch the cars. Josh held him and told him about the cars. It was cute. Josh liked going to the races with his dad. I'm glad he can share that with Ty. I just wish Grandpa could be there too. I know Josh does.

Today he got to pick apples (he stood on the ladder for a minute) from a friend of my parents orchard. But he was more interested in their black lab and throwing an apple for her to fetch.

Then tonight, yet another Cakester. He inhaled them and it's hilarious because he gets so excited. Anyway, it's fun to watch him learn about new things. He makes us laugh. We are so blessed to have him.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Pro Apple Bobber...In Training

Tyson loves to play with balls. He picks up all balls with his hands...except this particular one, he picks up with his mouth. It is so funny to watch. It's like he is copying the dogs when they play fetch. He throws the ball, runs after it, picks it up (in his mouth) then throws it again. We didn't get the entire thing on video, but here is a little bit.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Posted by Tana New Flowers

Hi, Thought you would like to see the new flowers I put up for Jack. The others weren't bad but I wanted to get some fall done, as it is getting to be fall here. The work I did at the flower shop many moons ago is helping to make me feel good about the arrangements that I do. The feild in the picture is to the side of the cemetery there in the evening you can see the deer grazing! It's pretty impressive. I am going to try to get my own blog someday but until then I have an excuse to come and use Ayme's. Enjoy!

No Double Chippin'

Last night Josh was eating chips and salsa watching the Bronco game. Tyson went and sat next to Josh and dug his hand into the chips. Tyson would take a bite of a chip and then put the chip back in the bag and get another chip out so Josh told him "No Double Chippin'!" Ty would just laugh and get another chip, dip it in the salsa, take a bite then put the chip back in the bag. It was hilarious! I went to get my camera to take a picture but my battery was dead.

Ty also had his 15 month check up today. He weighs 21 lbs 9 3/4 oz (13th percentile). 31 1/2 inches tall (64 percentile). He got two shots so he wasn't too thrilled with that. But he is a healthy little guy.

Josh is still working his tail off. However he is going to take a three day weekend this week!!! So we'll have to so something fun! YEAH!!!
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