The past few weeks at our house have been completely nuts! We've been talking about getting an elliptical for over a year and finally did it. It's AWESOME! It's an Octane, like they have in some Gold's Gyms. So hopefully Josh and I can get in shape! That was exciting to get. However, our month was about to get even more exciting. I have been working at getting our food storage to a three month supply and through our church you can buy in bulk and then rent a canner to seal everything in #10 cans. So Josh had a Thursday off so we planned on doing it then...until our tub cracked in the master bathroom. When we moved in, it had a little crack but nothing that leaked. Well, now it leaks. So Josh's friend Matt came over and he and Josh ripped out the tub, on the day we were going to do canning. So Becky (Matt's wife) and I canned while Matt and Josh ripped out the bathroom. The boys went to the hardware store for some things and us girls were canning away, then, I wasn't paying attention and I sealed the can to the canner! It was hilarious! We got hammers and screwdrivers and were trying to chisel it off. We wanted to get it off before the guys got back. No such luck. Becky was chiseling away and Josh walked in. The look on Becky's face was as if she got caught with her hand in the cookie jar! Josh finally used brute force and noodles went flying! What a day!
Then I had the Relief Society Birthday Party coming up that I did a slide show and made the cake for. This last week was filled up with that. It turned out very nice. Our theme was Relief Society Around the World. Sisters brought food from different countries, the slide show had pictures of travels from around the world then we finished with a pinata that had a message for everyone to take home. It was a very nice evening. Check out the cake at:
Tyson is hilarious as ever! He's into calling Josh "Josh" instead of Daddy. He says mom about 5 times when he's going to sleep, then I say what and he does a raspberry and starts giggling. He loves Elmo and Dinosaurs. He loves to play outside and run around. He loves going to the park and going down the slides! We have a lot of fun! Oh, he recently has started playing golf in my parents with my dad. Enjoy the pics.
The old Tub
Installing the new tub! It's a jacuzzi! Wahooo!
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