Saturday, November 8, 2008

Mr. Destructo

We were at Khols tonight and Josh was holding Tyson. Tyson wanted down. Josh put him down and went to look at some stuff. I was watching Ty and he was trying to take his coat off. So being the good mom that I am, ha ha, I took it off of him. As soon as the jacket was off, he ran to some very cute snowman ceramic bowls and before I could do anything he picked up a bowl and threw it. shattered. So we picked up all the pieces we could and told an associate they needed the vacuum and we proceeded to the checkout with our broken bowl. We go up to the checkout and placed our bowl on the counter and paid $5 for a broken bowl we had the clerk throw away. What a kid! He throws EVERYTHING! I have to admit, Josh and I tried to keep from laughing. We knew we shouldn't laugh, but we were so shocked that he actually threw the bowl. Anyway, that is the story of Mr. Destructo.


hillary said...

And just think: he's not even 2 yet! Look out! Don't bring him down here, Jackson will be a horrible example.!

Jessica said...

Maybe it's a sign of things to come! (Good things...we are sending good things vibes like baseball scholarships...) PS. We need your email to send an invite to our blog.

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